The Value of Istikharah
"Istikhara" really means asking God for "Khair" or good.
...Istikhara is the declaration of our belief that all things are in the control of God and that we, as His humble servants submit to all His decisions, even when we are made to alter our plans because of His decisions
And with the Power of You.. I dua' for the best of my Iman and Taqwa in this world. May the decision lead me to get your Mardhatillah...=)
Mu yang sangat besar. Sesungguhnya Engkau amat berkuasa sedangkan aku tidak berkuasa, Engkau amat mengetahui sedangkan aku tidak mengetahui dan sesungguhnya
Engkau amat mengetahui segala yang ghaib. Ya Allah kiranya Engkau mengetahui bahawa perkara ini adalah baik bagiku dalam urusan agama ku juga dalam urusan
penghidupan ku serta natijah pada urusan ku, kini dan akan datang, maka tetapkan lah ia bagi ku dan permudahkanlah ia untukku, serta berkatilah daku padanya.
Dan kiranya Engkau mengetahui bahawa perkara ini membawa kejahatan kepadaku dalam urusan agamaku, juga dalam urusan penghidupanku dan natijah urusanku,
kini dan akan datang, maka elakkanlah ia dariku dan tetapkanlah kebaikan untukku sebagaimana sepatutnya, kemudian jadikanlah daku meredhainya.”
"If I fail in my endeavors and does not succeed in attaining my desired goal, then I should satisfy myself with the belief that if the All-Merciful, the All-Wise, the All-Knowing and the All-Controlling God has not allowed me the privilege of getting my heart's desire, then it is indeed in my own best interest - from the perspective of the life of this world as well as from that of the hereafter - that the decision of God should prevail and that I should accept this decision with a tranquil heart.Insya ALLAH..."
...Keeping the foregoing explanation in perspective, it should be clear that the value of Istikharah is in the relationship that it establishes between us - humans - and our Merciful Lord. It helps us in developing reliance (توكل) on the correctness of God's decisions, while promoting satisfaction and acceptance (رضا) for these decisions in our heart.
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