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How you measure sucess?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 , Posted by faith at 12:38 PM

Dilema dalam kehidupan insan yang belum menggapai nikmat Islam..

" Yang saya tahu... anak isteri saya cukup makan.."
"Saya nak rumah besar.. senang cucu-cucu nak datang rehat-rehat.."
"Huhu.. tensionnye.. result aku tak pernah above 50 pun!.. arghh.."
Terbaca an article by Idris Tawfiq in Islam online

As Muslims, our whole approach to life is different to the agenda which society sets for us. It is sometimes very hard to avoid following this agenda, when everything around us is telling us to do so, but we try. As Muslims, our number one priority is to please Allah. We have certain obligations which we must fulfill, before anything else. We must, for example, pray five times a day. We must fast during the month of Ramadan and pay zakah, the money due to the poor, if we are able to do so. We must also go on pilgrimage once in our lives to Makkah if we have the resources. These things make us different. We do not do them for personal gain, but for the sake of Allah alone. Without these basic things in our lives, we cannot really call ourselves Muslim.

There are ups and downs in life... its on us how we look at it.. how we view it.. and how we settle it... Islam came with the purpose to ease the life of the human being. We will feel the ease if we practice Islam well, but not if we just take part of the Islam..

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