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Iraqian Neighbour..

Sunday, March 4, 2007 , Posted by faith at 6:46 PM

[sorry.. postponed jap ye pasal my academic story]

{^_^} nice nice Ukhuwwah {^_^}

Just got a new Iraqian neighbour. havent meet them... plan to do so.

"And He has united their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts. But Allah has united them: Certainly, He is All-Mighty, All-Wise."

(Qur'an 8:63)

Ukhuwwah is simple... Allah is the ONE that unite our hearts...

Like my Murabbi usually says:

"If we have the same understanding, we will speak the same language."

Wide meaning huh...=)

Can be explained as, kalau kita mempunyai kefahaman yang sebenar (which is -->the understanding on that we are the khalifah of ALLAH) and the main subject of us in the world is to worship ALLAH swt.. maka ALLAH lah sebenarnya yang memegang hati-hati kita.. dan ALLAH jualah yang mempertemukan dan mengikat hati-hati yang beraqidahkan kepada ALLAH swt.

Ukhuwwah is like ...

Bila berjumpa.. susahnya nak berpisah..

Bila berpisah.. rindunya nak bertemu.. ;p

Masya Allah.. nikmat Hablu minannas... Allah sahaja yang memberi.. Alhamdulillah..May YOU Grant me with a nice nice friend and a nice nice ukhuwwah...

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