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In The Name of Allah, The Most Precious and The Most Merciful

Saturday, February 10, 2007 , Posted by faith at 1:35 AM

Alhamdulillah.. at last, I got my own blog! Bukanla yang type suka menulis actually, but more to observe, think and make some analysis... But, as time goes by, baru realise that menulis is one of the way for people to tell others on what they feel or to express some thought or even writing can change the senario of the world! what had been done by As-Syeikh Syed Qutb...hardly to express himself by verbal.. so, the nib do the work..

Insya Allah, with this blog, my mission is to show others on how important we should live in this world with the worship to The Almighty Allah swt... (maybe sounds biase especially to the non-muslim, but believe me guys! There's no other God than Allah... thing to ponder upon)

Feel free for those who read my blog to do some commenting... no matter on the topic posted, or even the use of language... need improvement in every aspect. =).
Harapnya dapat Istiqamah dalam menulis ni ye 'Iffah... =)

Remember the bait2 ayat dalam Surah Al-Alaq.. the ilm mastered by reading and by writing my dear.. ok then.. continue ur journey where destiny chooses you...

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. amal says:

    salam 'iifah!!

    mira nih..hhaha
    lo0king forward to other entry ye..
    gud luck in everything u do dear..
